High School Academic Team

Head Coaches: Lisa Baker & Aaron Milligan

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School Band

Band Director: Kyle Littlejohn

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School Choir/Vocal Music

Choir Director: Callie Reinhardt

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School Colorguard

Colorguard Coach: Brittany Grossnicklaus

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School FBLA

Future Business Leaders of America Sponsor: Virginia Hollingback

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School FCCLA

Family, Career, and Consumer Leaders of America Sponsor: Cara Lowder

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School FFA

Future Farmers of America Sponsor: Brandon Spears

Season: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School Speech

Speech Sponsor: Marie Underwood

Session: 2022/23

Schedule Coming Soon

High School Student Council

Student Council Sponsor: Carmen Harkins

Session: 2022/23


High School Yearbook

Yearbook Sponsor: Denise Hale

Edition: 2023